Title Tag
Your title tag (also called the Meta title tag) is just what it sounds like — a quick, at-a-glance summary of what people can expect from your website's page. You want the contents of your title tag to be spot-on because it displays in three important places: in the browser's title bar, in the browser's tab title bar, and as the title of your listing in search engine results.
Your title tag should contain the main keywords for the page, with the primary keyword listed first in the tag. The earlier in the tag your keywords display, the better. All told, keep the maximum length of your keyword tag fewer than 65 characters.
Need help finding the right keywords to target on your page? Use Search Engine Visibility's keyword generator to pinpoint keywords and check out search trends for your selection.
Avoid using stop words in header
Please chick here to see the list of stop words.
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Code Example
For demonstration purposes, only. Do not use.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en" xml : lang="en">
<title>Two-Person Dome Tent | Green River Valley Camping Gear<title>
<meta name="description" content="Green River Valley Camping Gear has the widest selection of two-person dome tents at the lowest prices.">
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<h1>Green River Valley Camping Gear<h1> <p>When it's just you and a buddy, the Two-Person Dome Tent is a natural choice for lightweight but durable shelter. The Two-Person Dome Tent features sturdy, rip-stop nylon construction. Fiberglass poles make it easy to set up, yet strong enough to handle rough weather. The attachable rain fly creates a vestibule perfect for keeping your dirty gear away from where you sleep. And the floorplan is just right for two adult campers and all their gear. Whether it’s your next backpacking trip or just a weekend at the lake, the Two-Person Dome Tent reliably shelters you and a buddy.<p>