Navigation involves both external links to other websites and internal links to other pages within your site. Making your navigation SEO friendly ensures that search engine spiders will scan all of your pages. If a search engine can't find a particular page, no matter how optimized the page is, it won't be listed by search engines.
Search engines can't read Flash® or JavaScript® navigation, so avoid using it. Also, many search engines won't crawl more than 150 links on a particular page.
Always format your anchor tags correctly and try to use keywords in your anchor text when possible.
NOTE: Some search engines display links to additional pages below the first listing. The links are to pages the search engine determines to be most relevant. You cannot guarantee which links display, but adding consistent navigation is a good way to help. In the example below, the search engine results display two relevant pages from the site's navigation — Contact Us and Register.
How Visitors See It
How Search Engines Use It
Code Example
For demonstration purposes, only. Do not use.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en" xml : lang="en">
<title>Two-Person Dome Tent | Green River Valley Camping Gear<title>
<meta name="description" content="Green River Valley Camping Gear has the widest selection of two-person dome tents at the lowest prices.">
<div class="navigation">
<a href="home.html">Home</a>
<a href="cart.html">Shopping Cart</a>
<a href="signin.html">Sign In</a>
<a href="register.html">Register</a>
<a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a>
<h1>Green River Valley Camping Gear<h1>
<p>When it's just you and a buddy, the Two-Person Dome Tent is a natural choice for lightweight but durable shelter. The Two-Person Dome Tent features sturdy, rip-stop nylon construction. Fiberglass poles make it easy to set up, yet strong enough to handle rough weather. The attachable rain fly creates a vestibule perfect for keeping your dirty gear away from where you sleep. And the floorplan is just right for two adult campers and all their gear. Whether it’s your next backpacking trip or just a weekend at the lake, the Two-Person Dome Tent reliably shelters you and a buddy.<p>